The events of our world are happening fast and furious, so much so, we can hardly keep up with the news – and then there is fake news as well. Amidst the various disasters and rescues, we see the steady hand of God giving us signs that His coming is even closer than we expect. In the middle of death, suffering and pain we still see generous flashes of God’s mercy, love, concern and faithfulness towards His created race. He will not leave us nor forsake us. Once a week at Sabbath School time the members, visitors and loved ones of our Church have the glorious privilege of studying the Bible in their classes. Since Sabbath School is the most discipling department of our Church, it needs to be done properly.
The Sabbath School provides the opportunity for Church members locally and internationally to meet and study God's Word. It provides a sense of fellowship and community. In fact there are often more Sabbath School participants than there are church members as the study time is a good preparation for new believers to make decisions for baptism and church membership.
One of the main functions of the Sabbath School is to provide a mission emphasis that reaches out into the wider world. Special projects are selected by the international Church to be the beneficiaries of funds that will allow development of hospitals, colleges and evangelistic centres that will help people where the need is greatest and also forward the work of the Church.
Participating in mission outreach enables the individual to have the knowledge that he or she is part of a world-wide family and can make a contribution to the lives of others. Regular reporting of mission projects helps to keep the spirit of mission alive. Sabbath School is also a good opportunity for members to get to know each other well.
Discussion highlights needs within the group that others can respond to so that the whole group grows spiritually, thus producing more mature Christians who can speak with confidence about their faith.
For many people, Sabbath School is the high point of their Sabbath observance and has been aptly named the "heart of the Church".
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